
令和6年9月23日(月・祝) 函館港町埠頭にて開催された「はたらくのりもの大集合」に中塚建設のきりんクレーンも参加してきました!

Nakatsuka Construction’s Kirin cranes also took part in the ‘Great Gathering of Working Vehicles’ held at the Hakodate Port Town Wharf!


The day was a little windy, but the sun was shining and it was hot and fine.



Many children were interested and sat in the driving seat!






We were sorry for everyone who had to wait in the queue and in the hot sun, but we were very happy to see the children’s eyes light up as they pushed levers and asked questions.

We were very happy to see children’s eyes shining as they pushed levers and switches and asked questions.

We were happy to be able to show the Giraffe Crane to the people in Hakodate.

It may be greedy, but we will be more than happy if this experience becomes one of the options for the children’s still-blank future.