先日コラムニストの高成田 享さんと写真家の奥様がご夫婦で福島町へいらっしゃいました。
Columnist Mr. To-ru Takanarita and his wife, a photographer, came to Fukushima town.
Our president, who is also the chairman of the Fukushima Town History Study Group, accompanied the group on a tour of the remaining historical sites in Fukushima Town.
Mr. Takanarita has worked as a newspaper reporter and a university professor, and his writing is very easy to read and understand.
Whether you know about Fukushima Town or not, you are sure to discover something new.
The column can be found at the link below. Please take a moment to read it.
北海道福島町で伊能忠敬を考える コラムニスト 高成田 享